About Me

Hello ~ I’m Shaunna Lee!

Listen, I’m a 3 times divorced mom of 4, ages 10 to 29.

Y’all … married and divorced three times!

I know divorce.

Every kind that exists - From the most chaotic, World War III version to the most amicable and everything in between.

I know parenting and step-parenting - from wisdom gained and my own personal experience.

I am the mom. I’ve been the stepmom, wife, and ex-wife.

I spent two decades in Corporate America as a Consultant and Project Manager in the IT Industry.

I know business. I am a professional. And I was tired, burned out, and exhausted for years.

After life knocked me down a time or three, I became a best-selling author and built a business to help women Start Again.

I founded this business to help my clients navigate life after loss.

I help people find their passion and purpose & teach them how to monetize it.

I help my clients Align with who they truly are. 

My mission is to show you that it’s never too late and you’re never too old to do the damn thing

I will inspire and teach you how to take baby steps to attract the life you desire and the one you deserve.

We are not meant to merely survive this life.  

We are meant to thrive in it! 

Join my Start Again club!
We’ve all been just trying to survive this shitstorm.

Only in my club, we turn that shit into gold!  

With all the love,



Podcast ~ Books ~ Coaching







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