Need a Little Help?


My proven system will:

Take what feels overwhelming & complex

& convert it into simple action.

Together, we will get fast results that feel amazing, easy & fun!

So you want to …

Write Your First Book

but you have no idea how to get it written or published.

Thrive After Divorce

but you feel broken and lost.

Start a New Business

but you have doubts about your ability.

Feel Happy & Fulfilled With an Empty Nest

but you don’t remember who you were before becoming a mom.

If you are eager for lasting change and ready to take action, you’re only one click away.

Take the first step. I’ll help you determine what comes next.







About Me:

I help people write books and start again. I will take you from “I want to do this new thing, but don’t know how” to “look what I did!!” by transforming the overwhelming anxiety and fear after loss into the springboard for your own success. I make the complex simple.

I went from a teen pregnancy statistic to a successful author & entrepreneur, but it took me decades of trial and error.

After 3 divorces, sending two kids to college, and losing two corporate jobs in a single year, I was starting overagain and again.

My mission is to help you discover a new you after life has thrown you a few curve balls, so that you can show up as the most authentic version of yourself to attract the life you desire and the one you actually deserve.